Monday, September 21, 2015


Few years ago I saw this images and I can't understand the meaning of this picture black and white and there's an  eyes inside.

In my own understanding I wanted to share my knowledge free a series of training, reading and relating it to those people I'm doing treatment with.

Our body has two energy which is called positive and negative energy. The positive energy is called Yang the white Color and the negative called Yin the black Color. This energies always present in our body. Without this energy we will not exist. These energies enable us to move and to walk and to breath. 

The Yang is light and bright represents the sun. When there is sun we are full of energy and we can do many things during the day time. It is strong and it represent hot, dry and fire. The gender is male since male is strong. It also represents positive charge , heaven and spring and summer . 

While the Yin is Dark /moon that governs at night. It is recessive and nurturing. It is damp cool and water in it. It represent female as gender. It has a negative charge. It represents earth , autum and winter. 

According to the book - MOXIBUSTION , the Power of Mugwort Fire , He believed that Yang was the key to life." If Yang Essence is vigorous , you will have a lifespan of  a thousand years.  If yin qi is strong, it will bring death and damage. It is also said, if yin qi is never dispersed , the end is death. 
If Yang Essence e exist , it will bring a long life. When Yang qi has not expired , life is firm and fast. He felt that treatment to conserve life and guard against illness must focus on "preserving and supporting Yang qi as the root". MOXIBUSTION was an ideal means for this. 

After I ask my Chinese boss to explain this concept to me she said" our body has positive and negative energy. Everyday there are two energies that will invade us positive and negative. It includes positive thinking and negative thinking. Negative factors in our environment will invade our body, if our energy is weak this will attack us and weakens our body.  

In Traditional Chinese Medicine  we call it evil qi. It includes wetness, dampness, cold, wind, dryness, heatiness. These are the evil qi that will invade our body if we are not careful,  One example if you shower cold water ,drink cold drinks, sleep in fan or aircon, eat cold foods, never drink plenty of water and shower very late at night , showering when the body is very tired. 

Our lifestyle is the one that puts our health to danger. 
Sleep very late and inverted lifestyle it means they work at night and sleep at day time. Our body has its own body clock and by 11pm our body starts to repair when we are asleep. There are  many many more practices that we do that can harm our Yang Qi..

 If our qi is weak this can easily penetrate and gives more problem in our body. Knowing all these factors can help us to guard our health. Most people today they don't have any idea regarding this and as if it's part of their liefstyle ,

This is my own words as I understand this concept. Happy reading. 

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