Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Long term remedy for menstrual problem and many more illness

I wanted to share the most important acupoints especially for ladies who suffered painful menstrual period. This happens to most women and some they can't take it the pain and they turn to pain reliever or any medicines to alleviate the pain. This points can be used for acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping therapy and guasha therapy. You can also massage this points in order to open the meridian channel and it allows good blood circulation. You can also tap tap many times until you can feel the pressure going in. You can also press the points many times. This 3 points not only for menstruation problem but many illness can be cured once this points are being manipulated.

 Xue hai (SP-10)
 Location: With the knee bent, on the medial aspect of the thigh, 2 cun superior to the medial end of the base of the patella, on the bulge of the medial end of quadriceps femOris.
*irregular menstruation, metrorrhagia and metro status, amenorrhea
*urticaria, eczema, erysipelas

San yin jiao (SP-6)
On the tibial aspect of the Cruz,  3 cun superior to the prominence of the midway malleolus, posterior to the medial border of the tibia. 

*borborygymus, abdominal distention, diarrhea 
*irregular menstruation, abnormal vaginal discharge, prolapse of the uterus, sterility,prolonged labour
*Spermatorrhoea, impotence, urorrhoea hernia 
* insomnia
*Atrophy and paralysis of the legs,  dermatophytosis

Zu San Li (ST-36)
On the anterior aspectt of Cruz, 3 cun inferior to Du Bi (ST-35),one fingers breadth  (middle finger)lateral to the anterior border ox tibia. 
*Stomach ache, vomiting, dysphagia, abdominal distention,diarrhea,  dysentery, constipation
*mammary abscess, peroliappendicular abscess
*paralysis and pain in the legs,  oedema
*mania,  dermatophytosis
*consumptibe disease with MarkEd emaciation, it is an important point for general health care.

Monday, November 23, 2015

100% Aunthentic Bianstone (Stone Needle ) Scraping Plate

Bianstone Massage Effect: the ultrasonic wave produced especial pressure which will act as a form of exercise to the cell, therefore aid the diseased cells in the body to achieve the purpose of healing.
For fast order:
Viber/WeChat/WhatsApp/Call/Text: +65 88684273
IMPORTANT information :
Five Main Key Characteristics of stone needle (Bianstone):
💎Tested and Approved by the Board of National AUTHORITIES that the Bianstone does not contain any harmful substances to the body. It is safe to be used.
💎Composition: It contains 40 over types of minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to the body. It also contains calcium, magnesium ,zinc, strontium,selenium, and 20 over types of Anti-aging elements that are needed in the body.
💎Far infra Rays: Bhutanese contains special energy field whole contacted to the skin, it will produce the body needed fat infrared frequency, range from 7~20 microns.
💎Microcrystalline Structure : The Microcrystalline calcite crystal size less than 0.03mm plutonium. It's fine and delicate texture will create a friction that makes the body feel very comfortable.
💎 Ã™ltrasonic: Every friction that is created by the Bian stone is beneficial to the human health. Average ultrasonic pulse frequency can go up to 3708 times, frequency range from 2~200 million cycles pet second is the highest among all other types of materials.
💎Massage Effect: The ultrasonic wave produced a special pressure which will act as a dorm of exercise to the cell, therefore aid the diseased cells in the body to achieved the purpose of healing.
💎Heat Effect: The heat of the ultrasonicis easily absorbed by the body to promote blood circulation, aid to relieved muscle spasm and to improved microcirculation functions.
💎Biological Effect: The ultrasound can affect the process of some chemical or biological changes in the body and to improved the enzyme activity and metabolism in the body to achieved a better health condition.
💎Role of the Nervous System:
The nervous system is sensitive to the ultrasonic. Even a small current will create the nerve inhibition in order to allow the nerve velocity to slow down and to achieved a significant analgesic effect. 
Regulating Qi, blood , Yin and Yang,opening collateral channels dispelling rheumatism and clearing away heat , tranquilizing the mind relieving muscular aches and stiffness, stimulating lymph, and blood circulation correcting digestive disorders and inducing a deep feeling of relaxation.
Bianstone Massage Effect: the ultrasonic wave produced especial pressure which will act as a form of exercise to the cell, therefore aid the diseased cells in the body to achieve the purpose of healing. For fast order: Viber/WeChat/WhatsApp/Call/Text: +65 98106302 IMPORTANT information : Five Main Key Characteristics of stone needle (Bianstone): 💎Tested and Approved by the Board of National AUTHORITIES that the Bianstone does not contain any harmful substances to the body. It is safe to be used. 💎Composition: It contains 40 over types of minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to the body. It also contains calcium, magnesium ,zinc, strontium,selenium, and 20 over types of Anti-aging elements that are needed in the body. 💎Far infra Rays: Bhutanese contains special energy field whole contacted to the skin, it will produce the body needed fat infrared frequency, range from 7~20 microns. 💎Microcrystalline Structure : The Microcrystalline calcite crystal size less than 0.03mm plutonium. It's fine and delicate texture will create a friction that makes the body feel very comfortable. 💎 Ùltrasonic: Every friction that is created by the Bian stone is beneficial to the human health. Average ultrasonic pulse frequency can go up to 3708 times, frequency range from 2~200 million cycles pet second is the highest among all other types of materials. ROLES OF THE BIANSTONE 💎Massage Effect: The ultrasonic wave produced a special pressure which will act as a dorm of exercise to the cell, therefore aid the diseased cells in the body to achieved the purpose of healing. 💎Heat Effect: The heat of the ultrasonicis easily absorbed by the body to promote blood circulation, aid to relieved muscle spasm and to improved microcirculation functions. 💎Biological Effect: The ultrasound can affect the process of some chemical or biological changes in the body and to improved the enzyme activity and metabolism in the body to achieved a better health condition. 💎Role of the Nervous System: The nervous system is sensitive to the ultrasonic. Even a small current will create the nerve inhibition in order to allow the nerve velocity to slow down and to achieved a significant analgesic effect. Regulating Qi, blood , Yin and Yang,opening collateral channels dispelling rheumatism and clearing away heat , tranquilizing the mind relieving muscular aches and stiffness, stimulating lymph, and blood circulation correcting digestive disorders and inducing a deep feeling of relaxation.

Order Now:

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Bian Stone

Item Type:
Massage & Relaxation
Brand Name:
Si BIN Bian-stone
about 118x65x10mm
Model Number:
place of origin:
Si Bin Shan Dong China

Material: 5A grade Original Si Bin Bian-stone 
Place of origin: Si Bin Shan Dong China
gift gua sha chart
compare with black bian stone, the index number of impluse and remote all are higher than black bian stone,it is the superfine bian stone,original place Sibin Shandong. 
Bian-stone therapy can promote energy metabolism in channels,

The effect will be much better, when you use massage oil at the same time.
This product is a natural bian-stone products,Never throw it or break it off 

Damura Self Nature Tea-13 Reason Tea is Good for you!

If you looks for the best tea this is the one we recommend. We are the only selling this very valuable tea. Only 200 packs in 75grams can be produced once in 1 year. When you buy this tea you are considered to be fated one.

Put down those saucer cups and get chugging — tea is officially awesome for your health. But before loading up on Red Zinger, make sure that your “tea” is actually tea. Real tea is derived from a particular plant (Camellia sinensis) and includes only four varieties: green, black, white, and oolong. Anything else (like herbal “tea”) is an infusion of a different plant and isn’t technically tea.
But what real tea lacks in variety, it makes up for with some serious health benefits. Researchers attribute tea’s health properties to polyphenols (a type of antioxidant) andphytochemicals. Though most studies have focused on the better-known green and black teas, white and oolong also bring benefits to the table. Read on to find out why coffee’s little cousin rocks your health.
  1. Tea can boost exercise endurance. Scientists have found that the catechins (antioxidants) in green tea extract increase the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel, which accounts for improvedmuscle endurance.
  2. Drinking tea could help reduce the risk ofheart attack. Tea might also help protect against cardiovascular and degenerative diseases.
  3. The antioxidants in tea might help protect against a boatload of cancers, includingbreast, colon, colorectal, skin, lung, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liverovarianprostate and oralcancers. But don’t rely solely on tea to keep a healthy body — tea is not a miracle cure, after all. While more studies than not suggest that tea has cancer-fighting benefits, the current research is mixed.
  4. Tea helps fight free radicals. Tea is high in oxygen radical absorbance capacity (“ORAC” to its friends), which is a fancy way of saying that it helps destroy free radicals (which can damage DNA) in the body. While our bodies are designed to fight free radicals on their own, they’re not 100 percent effective — and since damage from these radical oxygen ninjas has been linked to cancer, heart disease and neurological degeneration, we’ll take all the help we can get.
  5. Tea is hydrating to the body (even despite the caffeine!).
  6. Drinking tea is linked with a lower risk of Parkinson’s disease. When considered with other factors like smoking, physical activity, age and body mass index, regular tea drinking was associated with a lowered risk of Parkinson’s disease in both men and women.
  7. Tea might provide protection from ultraviolet rays. We know it’s important tolimit exposure to UV rays, and we all know what it’s like to feel the burn. The good news is that green tea may act as a back-upsunscreen.
  8. Tea could keep waist circumference in check. In one study, participants who regularly consumed hot tea had lower waist circumference and lower BMI than non-consuming participants. Scientists speculate that regular tea drinking lowers the risk of metabolic syndrome (which increases the risk of diabetes, artery disease and stroke), although it’s important to remember that correlation does not equal causation.
  9. Regular tea drinking might also counteract some of the negative effects of smokingand might even lessen the risk of lung cancer (good news, obviously, but not a justification for cigs).
  10. Tea could be beneficial to people with Type 2 diabetes. Studies suggest that compounds in green tea could help diabetics better process sugars.
  11. Tea can help the body recover from radiation. One study found that tea helped protect against cellular degeneration upon exposure to radiation, while another found that tea can help skin bounce backpostexposure.
  12. Green tea has been found to improve bone mineral density and strength.
  13. Tea might be an effective agent in the prevention and treatment of neurological diseases, especially degenerative diseases (think Alzheimer’s). While many factors influence brain health, polyphenols in green tea may help maintain the parts of the brain that regulate learning and memory.
Though most research on tea is highly positive, it’s not all definitive — so keep these caveats in mind before stocking up on gallons of the stuff:
  1. Keep it cool. Repeatedly drinking hot beverages may boost the risk ofesophageal cancer. Give tea several minutes to cool off before sipping.
  2. The studies seem convincing, but a rat does not a human make. Chemicals in tea may react differently in the lab than they do in the human body. Tannins (and the other good stuff in green tea) may not bebioavailable for humans, meaning tea might not always benefit human health to the same degree as in lab studies suggest.
  3. All tea drinks are not created equal. The body’s access to the good stuff in tea might be determined by the tea variety, canning and processing, and the way it was brewed.
The takeaway: at the very least, tea should be safe to consume — just not in excessiveamounts. So brew up a batch of the good stuff — hot or cold — and enjoy.
Do you drink tea regularly? Have you noticed any health benefits? Let us know in the comments below!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

How to get rid of the virus in our house

Flu and coughing and runny nose are caused by viruses that carried in the air. The infected person will tend to Cough and sneezed while others are present.

Next thing happen if Teh person around the immune system is not strong they can easily catch the virus.

What are the best solution to removed the virus.

You can boil the 5 tablespoon or more ofvinegar in the pot and put some water and let the vapour evaporates to removed the virus in the air. Let it boils for a few minutes !!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

SYNEGENE WELLNESS- Best Moxibustion and Mineral Mud Treatment Spa in Singapore


Synegene Wellness International incorporated in May 2015, a project by MingJue Cultural Exchange in collaboration with World of Moxibustion. After witnessing the effectiveness use of moxibustion & mineral mud essence treatment that has helped many people over the years with various disease in the body. And with the rapid ageing population & fast paced environment in Singapore, we understand the needs & importance of good health and well-being of our valued customers thus providing a one-stop solutions in professional wellness services.

As a franchisee, our staffs are required to undergo vigorous training by renowned moxibustion trainer Ms. Nicole Zhou. The staffs need to pass the courses & certified by our trainer before they are allowed to attend to our customers in the shop. We will constantly seek to improve & upgrade our skill to provide the best treatment & results for our customers.

Visit our Website:  www.synegenewellness.com

Come and experience the healing hands therapeutic treatment you will never regret.
For Fast inquiry you can contact +6598106302
Email: costalesmarissa@gmail.com

I'm Marissa your main therapist here! LET THE HEALING POWER OF GOD FLOWS UPON YOU

What makes it different from other existing Moxibustion Shops in Singapore?

Most people today encountered different kinds of pain. I observed when I work in spa previously I meet many clients with different body problems. Most of them are looking for remedy of their body aches and pain. Some are very helpless to look and wants to experience different spa to look for a good therapist that can help them solve their problem.

My motive to work in this line of job is to help more people to give remedy of their pain. I never stop learning and looking for many ways on how to cure the problem.

This Spa is giving a very fast cure of your problem with the technique and methods and you will go home felt difference on your body.

Combine the Chinese Therapy of treatment like Tuina Chinese Treatment,Meridian Drainage Massage, Cupping therapy, Guasha Therapy, Raindrop Technique and Meridian and Tissue Manipulation and of course the best of all is MOXIBUSTION AND MINERAL MUD TREATMENT that will address your problem from the root cause of it.

To treat the problem must be dealt on the root cause of it.

This are the common body problem that can be cured.


Friday, October 2, 2015

Moxibustion in Qi Hai Acupuncture point

Old Tang History Book recorded a case of moxibustion used for longevity and healyh: Liu Gongquan  was over 80 years old and still walked lightly. Someone asked him his technique for nourishing his life. He said, " I have not used original qi to aid joy and anger and i constantly warm Qi Hai (Ren 6). That's all" (Gu and Zhao 1994, 2).

This is how to measure. 3 inch is called 3 cun in TCM. Use your own fingers , 4 fingers of yours is 3 cun. You mark the 3 cun and half of it is the Qi Hai. For people who don't have the moxibustion ai Tsao they can use the tobacco roll pure just to make hot the qi Hai.  But take note the effect is not the same of using Ai tsao  or mugwort. 

This is how to use the fingers to measure the aupoints.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Treatmet I'm Doing -healing hands therapy

I'm promoting a products that will enhance the health and wellness of every individual. I never stop to find a good and effective products  and I always enhanced my  skills and treatment strategy to achieved good and better result to our clients. We welcome everyone who aspire to live a long life and live a healthy body.

Mt treatment includes Ruin Chinese Massage, Meridian Drainage Massage, Guasha using the Bian stone,  cupping therapy,  and Moxibustion Ai Tsao. All this treatment that will incorporate each other based on clients condition will give an effective results of treatment. 

You can visit our website for more information. 

Saturday, September 26, 2015


I'm sharing in my own analysis regarding how our body works especially the production of red blood cells.

I write this article after the incident today when my close relative 35 years old lady got the blood cancer that was started December 2013. March 2015 this year I saw her in the funeral wearing mask but she becomes more thin and looks very sick  and what I head she got flu. Her condition she kept to us secret that we only knew her problem today that her body is already dying and her organs failed. No more machine that support her body just let her allow herself to let go or when God takes away her last breath. The life of every person is in the hands of God.

Then at this very hour I made an analysis based on my own understanding on how our body works. 

Leukemia or cancer of blood what is really the root cause of the problem? Every person will eat every day sometimes 5 times a day.  What we put inside our body it depends on every persons lifestyle and preferences to health. Eat the healthy foods or eat the rubbish. There is a saying tell me what u eat and I tell you what you will become. Looking at her condition I tried to see beyond what the eyes can see, beyond what the Doctors can telling beyond what the medicine can do. I'm looking for the root cause of the problem.  

This how it goes:
We eat a dour food goes into our stomach and digested. The food that are digested goes into our small intestine to extract the nutrients in the form of blood. The spleen is the one who will produce and ensy

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Moxibustion -Ovarian Physical Therapy

Facts :
Many women got ovarian cyst and ovarian cancer. Some might lead to operation and take out the ovary which is responsible to produce hormone. Most of them who are diagnosed are scared theT they have cyst or other problem. Once the doctor advise them to operate and take out the ovary they don't give any doubt of it but said YES.

When we speK of organs in our body one should be catious to take it away. Once the organ is missing the function of the body is no longer normal. After operation the hormones is imbalance so the doctor will give the patient hormone tablets or pills to substitute what was lost. No medicine can exchange the body Hormone can produce.  the side effects of taking much of hormone pills it can lead to other illness like breast cancer.

What is the best thing to do in order to have a healthy ovary or female reproductive system?

This treatment has been practiced for more than thousand years. Few decades back MOXIBUSTION was done in the hospital. We are so lucky today  that this treat,net cm be done at home.

Why this treatment can do to Ovarian therapy ?

This treatment. Can helps to regulate the female reproductive system and female endocrine problem such as irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea , abnormal vaginal discharge , gynaecological inflammation, chest and abdominal pain, menauposal syndrome, and other symptoms.  Helps to stimulate the production of female hormones, resulting in better skin complexion , lesser pigmentation and acne, and sagging the breast and abdominal fat.

Why so many woman got this problem ?

It's because the hormones is not balance caused by our sleeping habit, the food we eat unhealthy lifestyle, sleep very late. Worst of it make the day night and night like day. This is very dangerous to our Heath that it can also leads to Brin cancer.

For more information and appointment :Email: marzgen76@gmail.comMobile:+65 88684273

Accept international clients who wants to have a healthy life.
Terms and conditions apply.

Monday, September 21, 2015


Few years ago I saw this images and I can't understand the meaning of this picture black and white and there's an  eyes inside.

In my own understanding I wanted to share my knowledge free a series of training, reading and relating it to those people I'm doing treatment with.

Our body has two energy which is called positive and negative energy. The positive energy is called Yang the white Color and the negative called Yin the black Color. This energies always present in our body. Without this energy we will not exist. These energies enable us to move and to walk and to breath. 

The Yang is light and bright represents the sun. When there is sun we are full of energy and we can do many things during the day time. It is strong and it represent hot, dry and fire. The gender is male since male is strong. It also represents positive charge , heaven and spring and summer . 

While the Yin is Dark /moon that governs at night. It is recessive and nurturing. It is damp cool and water in it. It represent female as gender. It has a negative charge. It represents earth , autum and winter. 

According to the book - MOXIBUSTION , the Power of Mugwort Fire , He believed that Yang was the key to life." If Yang Essence is vigorous , you will have a lifespan of  a thousand years.  If yin qi is strong, it will bring death and damage. It is also said, if yin qi is never dispersed , the end is death. 
If Yang Essence e exist , it will bring a long life. When Yang qi has not expired , life is firm and fast. He felt that treatment to conserve life and guard against illness must focus on "preserving and supporting Yang qi as the root". MOXIBUSTION was an ideal means for this. 

After I ask my Chinese boss to explain this concept to me she said" our body has positive and negative energy. Everyday there are two energies that will invade us positive and negative. It includes positive thinking and negative thinking. Negative factors in our environment will invade our body, if our energy is weak this will attack us and weakens our body.  

In Traditional Chinese Medicine  we call it evil qi. It includes wetness, dampness, cold, wind, dryness, heatiness. These are the evil qi that will invade our body if we are not careful,  One example if you shower cold water ,drink cold drinks, sleep in fan or aircon, eat cold foods, never drink plenty of water and shower very late at night , showering when the body is very tired. 

Our lifestyle is the one that puts our health to danger. 
Sleep very late and inverted lifestyle it means they work at night and sleep at day time. Our body has its own body clock and by 11pm our body starts to repair when we are asleep. There are  many many more practices that we do that can harm our Yang Qi..

 If our qi is weak this can easily penetrate and gives more problem in our body. Knowing all these factors can help us to guard our health. Most people today they don't have any idea regarding this and as if it's part of their liefstyle ,

This is my own words as I understand this concept. Happy reading. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


5 secrets of successful people
By: Michelle Chin Mchin@sp.com.sh
 I extracted this article in the NEW PAPER CLASSIFIED Date September 15,2015,

After going this secrets few years ago I can tell that My skills can compete in world class standard. What sets successful people apart form those who fail to achieve their aspirations? In addition to luck and ability, a can- do attitude and positive mindset go along the way. Here are some traits that will put you on the path to success.


 Instead of reacting to events and waiting for opportunities, successful people venture out to create their own chances, and in doing so create their own destinies. "Instead of grumbling about unfavourable life circumstances or the economic downturn, successful people are likely to channel their time and energy into aspects within their control, or take concrete actions to improved situations," said Mr. Dave Phua, managing director of Training Edge International.


 Successful people believed that learning comes in many forms, beyond formal educational institutes like school and universities. " They often continuously expand their kanowledge and read widely across multiple disciplines. Most importantly, they apply their acquired knowledge to be more productive and efficient or improved the quality of their work," said Mr . Phua.


 Successful people know that failure is an opportunity to learn something new or to finetune the way certain things are done. They learn from their mistakes to increase their chances of success and do not perceive obstacles as barriers to success but learning experiences.


 Go-getters take conscious control of their lives, set goals and work towards achieving them. However, it is easy to give up when our goals seen insurmountable. Divide your goal into smaller manageable ones that can be achieved one step at a time.


 When a person is successful, he or she is likely to possess extra resources to share with the less fortunate. Being charitable makes us aware of the hardships the lower strata of society struggles with, keeps us firmly grounded and deters us from being too caught up in our own success. My personal life testimony after applying these secrets! I followed this secrets before. I finished BS computer

Science , AB Theology and now becomes an INTERNATIONAL LICENSED THERAPIST AND MOXIBUSTION AND MINERAL MUD SPECIALIST. I Started as massage therapist but I keep on learning and and study and ready many books and applied what I learn. I invest a lot of money in my field interest buy buying things that can enhance the skills.I keep moving up until most of my clients thought that I'm 10 years on this line of work. I told them the truth that I'm only two years as therapist but I applied what I learn in my experiences.

One client scolded me when I'm still newbies and started to learn telling me how can you work in TUINA CHINESE MASSAGE YOU DONT Know HOW TO DO (IT's an expert job because we press the acupoints and not anyhow press actually). I apologise and I ask him to teach me what is the right way of doing so and What is the technique and he taught me how but he walk out after 5 minutes of my treatment. What he taught me before until now I applied in my treatment to my every client and it's very effective! I applied the concept what I learn in my Computer Science study and God's amazing way for creation. I combine the science and prayer in my work because it's God alone knows the condition of individuals body.

The truth my work or job is different from my field of study but its the result of passion and love of people and having the heart to serve. Even my family  were laughing at me because my work is a very low class as what they see and heard from other people. Even my family In Philippines laugh at me why I never work in office or other job. For me its not about money but the passion with a strong determination and unique and highest paid of all therapist because I'm specialized and never settle in mediocrity.

 Visits our website:


Monday, September 14, 2015


Blessings comes from God. I will bless the work of your hand. Whatever you touch will prosper! More than 6 years ago during our prayer session God showed me in a vision giving me the healing hands and I saw every people I touched i saw the silver form like a metal flowed from my hands to the person I touched. I don't understand what it means. We are in the healing ministry with our pastors to prayed people who are sick. We prayed to one old lady who were comatose for two years and attended by private nurse. We visited her and prayed and lead her to prayer in a whisper since she was in coma. After we lead her to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and savior and prayed earnestly for her after one month she passed away. It's good to usher people to Christ before they died. It means it is their destiny to be with Christ. Christ know who are his people to spend in eternity. Another sick man we visited in the hospital. He always in and out of the hospital ,he can't die and he was very tired and restless. When we visited him in his hospital room and we pray we found out that he had a witchcraft idol in him like a demonic power that he possessed. He don't know how to let go of it. We start our mission to pray and singing praise and worship songs. After a few minutes he told us stop first coz he was very tired. We keep on interceding in prayer and sing praises and worship again and again. After he calmed down and silent we asked him to follow us in prayer and let him accept Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior. After a few days he died and with the Lord in heaven now! With my mentor pastor asked me again to accompany him to pray for the lady who had a severe psoriasis. Even the hospital don't let her go in because the skin is very wet and so scary. We prayed healing for her and let God do his healing power. After many years passes by I went back to Philippines again and my pastor told me that the lady who had psoriasis was in Canada now. Is it amazing the power of God? We are just only instrument to let the healing power of God flowed in us to touch those who are sick and they get healed. I don't have power but Jesus in me is the healer. What is the relation of those many healing experiences that now I'm here in Singapore. God brought me here for a reason and my journey in life. Why God brought me to Health and wellness industry and trained me very fast to lean the skills and many people thought that I'm practicing for more than 10 years but Hey I'm only 2 years in doing therapy. I encountered different kinds of people problem and I can touch them and prayed for them while doing treatment. God continued to use my hands to heal people and I'm so amazed how I become an instrument to others. I'm not yet vocal to all my client about Jesus but those whose heart are ready I never hesitate to tell them about the good news. Living in a country wigh different religion and is not easy as what we share the gospel in Philippines who are Catholic nation. Here Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Taoism, and many many more. I never take heart my lesson during my bible school about different religion and now I'm here I'm not very familiar with what they believed. I guess what my calling is to touch peoples lives and let the love of Christ flowed on their hearts. But those who knew me they know I'm a fighter, I'm a straightforward person, I have many flaws but God's grace is sufficient in me. God reminded me in order to let God continue to use us as his instrument we must be HOLY FOR HE S HOLY. To God be the glory for ever and ever !!!AMEN

Visit our website: www.synegenewellness.com