Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mission starts now!

God show me in a form of vision of  when I was in Philippines through the Holy Spirit we can touch the lives of others.I saw there's a form of metallic color that flows to my hand when I touched an individual person. God wants to touch the heart of every person through one person connecting.I saw it in the advertisement in Globe.touching peoples lives. I saw in the vision people are marching with their hearts has a candle light but they are walking in the dark. People in this work are living in darkness but the spirit of God of created us put his Spirit in us but baca use of sin we live in this fallen world fl if darkness. How to let this people gets out of the dark?

I want to share my own experience! I have many questions why God brought me yo Singapore! I experience loneliness ,homesick and miss my family and friends in the Philippines. When I get saved by the blood of the lamb Jesus I follow Him and very intimate relationship. When I study the bible I can see my personality like Peter.

My journey in Singapore is not easy.  God refined my character whom I'm strong willed, proud, self sufficient,  looking high of my self. But the truth is without God I am nothing!

Now is the starting my journey!
In my next blog I will share to you guys what are my struggles to let people veg encourage and not giving up!
See u next!

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