Monday, November 10, 2014

5A grade Original Si Bin Bian stone

5A grade Original Si Bin Bianstone Massage Guasha Kit Beauty Face Plate

118x65x10mm100% original

Material: 5A grade Original Si Bin Bian-stone

Place of origin: Si Bin Shan Dong China

compare with black bian stone, the index number of impluse and remote all are higher than black bian stone,it is the superfine bian stone,original place Sibin Shandong.

Bian-stone therapy can promote energy metabolism in channels,

For  more Information and order:
Whatsapp +6591005625


Stone Needle ( Bianstone) Scrapping Plate

Five Main Key Characteristics of stone needle ( Bianstone)

  • Tested and Approved by the board of National Authorities that the Bianstone does not contain any harmful substances to the body. it is safe to be used.
  • Composition: It contains over 40 types of minerals and trace elements that are beneficial to the body. It also contains calcium magnesium, zinc, strontium, selenium and 20 over types of Anti-aging elements that are needed to the body. 
  • Far Infra Rays : Bianstone contains special energy field. While contacted with the skin, it will produce the body needed Far Infrared frequency, range from 7-20 microns.
  • Microcrystalline Structure: The Microcrystalline calcite crystals size less than 0.03mm pluton. It's fine and delicate texture will create friction that makes the body feel very comfortable.
  • Ultrasonic: Every friction that is created by the Bianstone is beneficial to the human health. Average Ultrasonic pulse frequency can go up to 3708 times , frequency range from 2-200 million cycles per second is the highest among all other types of minerals.
Role of Bianstone
  • Massage Effect : The Ultrasonic wave produced a pressure which  will act as  a form of exercise to the cell, therefore aid the diseased cells in the body to achieved the purpose of healing.
  • Heat effect: The heat of the ultrasonic is easily absorbed by the body to promote blood circulation , aid to relieve muscle spasm and to improved  Microcirculation functions.
  • Biological Effect:  The Ultrasound can affect the process of some chemical or biological changes in the body and to improved the enzyme  activity and metabolism in the body to achieved a better health condition.
  • Role of the Nervous System: The Nervous system is sensitive to Ultrasonic. Even a small current will create the nerve inhibition in order to allow the nerve velocity to slow down and to achieve a significant analgesic effect.

For  more Information and order:
Whatsapp +6591005625

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Han Moxibustion Instrument

Quick Details:

Place of origin: Guangdong China ( mainland)
Product: Han Moxibustion Instrument
Temperature: less than 65 degree
Conducting wires: 1800mm
Dimension: 128*128*140mm
Power:25 W / 9.5W
Function: Improved blood circulation, expel body toxins
Voltage: 110-220V/ 50-60hz

Han moxibustion instrument
It is a healthcare system based on ancient Chinese and other eastern principles. With its roots in Chinese medicine, traditional acupuncture goes back nearly 2000 years and is used to restore and maintain good health.

According to traditional Chinese philosophy our health is dependent on the body’s motivating energy moving in a smooth and balanced way through a series of channels/meridians beneath the skin. This energy is called “qi” A number of factors can disturb the flow of qi, which include emotional, hereditary factors, infection and trauma. When qi is unbalanced, illness may result.

Moxibustion therapy is widely considered to be beneficial for a range of illnesses and symptoms. It is often used in the treatment of a variety of conditions and in conjunction with western medicine. It is used to treat muscular and joint pain, anxiety and stress disorders, depression, woman’s problems such as menopause, menstrual disorders, during pregnancy, infertility and many more. Please phone clinic to talk to an acupuncturist.


  Magnet therapy with Acupressure
  Alternative to Acupuncture & Moxibustion (WuXingZhen) therapy
  Natural immuno-regulating therapy
  Herbal therapy
  Nutritional therapy & Diet therapy
  Spiritual therapy
  Basic health style training

      Headaches, Neck pain, Back pain, Low back pain,
      Shoulder pain, Knee pain, Migraines, Tennis elbow,
      Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Neuralgia, Sprain/strain, 
      Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Menses care, painful pillow care , back ache care , eyes care
      Weight management: 
      Overweight, Too skinny
      Immune system Rebuilding:
       Cancer, Tumor, Allergy, Asthma,
       Infertility, Immune deficiency, infection,  
       inflammation, diabetes, stress, depression,  
       anxiety, hairloss, man's problem,
       woman's problem, skin disease

Additional Information:

Magnet Therapy and Far Infrared
Center is OFF – 9.5W or 25W
It takes 3-5 minutes to heat up.
You can place the instrument anywhere on your body or accupoints area.
If you feel it’stoo  hot  you can add towel  on your body to moxibustion.
Easy to use and no side effects.
Not easily damaged unless you will drop it and break.
Usage time 10-30 minutes area to do moxibustion.

Used for Slimming:
1.      It can be used for slimming.
2.      Use 10-20 minutes for one area.
3.      Can use 3 to 4 times per  week. If u need you can also uses every day.
4.      Can apply guasha oil or essential oils.
5.      After using wipe the instrument with colon cloth soaked with ethyl alcohol or disinfectant.
6.      Don’t wash the machine with water it can cause malfunction.
7.      One person per moxibustion.
8.      After doing moxibustion don’t shower immediately or any contact with water. Can shower only after 3 hours after use.
9.      The Sprain or crush injury don’t use it within 24 hours.
10.  Children or pregnant women not advice to use.
11.  After moxibustion better drink warm water.
12.  this one you can only put that on your accupoint or body you can also use that like  guasha . It is a warm guasha.
13.  If not use pull the plug and keep.

What is the difference to normal moxibustion?
.there is magnet and far infrared in the machine that is different with the normal moxibustion.
.high blood or diabetes also can use but that should be use on the related acupoints then the effect will be better

3. Contra-indications: if you have disease of skin, skin injury, acute Sprain injury don’t use. Children or Pregnancy women don’t advise to use

4. Others chronic disease, such as rheumatism, dysmenorrhea, lumbago, neck pain, muscle strain, stiff neck, irregular menstruation, eyestrain, it can warm and promote blood circulation. Very good for such cold and poor blood to circulate

Han Moxibustion Instrument

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Gua Sha Therapy
Face and Body Gua Sha

Gua Sha (pronounced “gwa sha,”) is an East Asian healing technique. Gua means to scrape or rub. Sha is a ‘reddish, elevated, millet-like skin rash’. Sha is the term used to describe Blood stasis in the subcutaneous tissue before and after it is raised as petechiae. Gua Sha is the technique that intentionally raises Sha rash or petechiae.

When is Gua Sha used?

Gua Sha is usually used when a patient has pain whether associated with an acute or chronic disorder. There may be aching, tenderness and/or a knotty feeling in the muscles. Palpation reveals Sha when normal finger pressure on a patient’s skin causes blanching that is slow to fade. In addition to resolving musculo skeletal pain, Gua Sha is used to treat and prevent common cold, flu, bronchitis, asthma, as well as any chronic disorder involving pain, congestion of Qi and Blood.

Gua Sha is effective to treat below conditions:

Reduce fever (the technique was used to treat cholera).
Treat fatigue caused by exposure to heat (often used to treat heat-stroke) or cold.
Cough and dyspnea: bronchitis, asthma, emphysema.
Treat muscle and tendon injuries.
Push sluggish circulation, fibromyalgia.
Treat headache.
Treat sunstrokes / heat syncope and nausea.
Treat stiffness, pain, immobility.
Treat digestive disorders.
Treat urinary, gynecological disorders.
To assist with reactions to food poisoning.

Where is Gua Sha applied?

Sha is raised primarily at the Yang surface of the body: the back, face, neck, shoulders, buttocks, and limbs. On occasion, Gua Sha is applied at the chest and abdomen.

Gua Sha Procedure

Lubricate the area with Gua Sha oil, or white flower oil
Skip the areas with moles, cuts or unhealed areas.
Hold the gua sha tool at a thirty degree angle to the skin allowing the smooth edge will touch the skin.
The skin is then rubbed with a round-edged instrument in downward strokes.
One area is stroked until the petechiae that surface are completely raised. If there is no Blood stasis the petechiae will not form and the skin will only turn pink.
Gua Sha stroke areas

Observe that the sha petechiae should fade in about 2-4 days. If it takes longer to fade, it indicates poor blood circulation and there may be more serious deficiency that will require additional treatments with combination of acupuncture or acupressure in specific areas. Gua sha treatment can be used up to three times weekly, and is most effective when used as a wee. ly treatment on chronic conditions.

What does the type of Sha indicate?

The color of the Sha is both diagnostic and prognostic. Very light colored Sha can indicate Deficiency of Blood. If the Sha is fresh red, it is of recent penetration. If the Sha is purple or black, the Blood stasis is long-standing. If brown, the Blood may be dry. Dark red Sha can indicate heat.

What are the benefits of Gua Sha?

In most cases the patient feels immediate improvement in their condition particularly in their pain or sense of constraint. Gua Sha moves stuck Qi and Blood, releases the exterior mimicking sweating, and moves Fluids. In a modern medical construct these fluids contain metabolic waste that congested the surface tissues and muscles. Gua Sha promotes circulation and normalizes metabolic processes. It is a valuable treatment for both external and internal pain, and facilitates the resolution of both acute and chronic disorders.

Face Gua Sha

Gua Sha can be applied on face and eye. Gua Sha is used to extract toxic waste, remove blood stagnation, promote normal circulation and metabolic processes of the body. It removes blockage, improves blood circulation and fluid flow. Gua Sha is known to be effective in removing dark eye circle, puffy eye bag, lighten pigmentation and sharpen the face.

Face Gua Sha Promotion

Is Gua Sha Safe?

Gua Sha is a completely safe technique, but it is serious medicine. Knowing when to use it and what to expect from treatment is as important as good technique. People who live in chronic pain often erect emotional defenses to cope with it or can feel completely hopeless. Having that pain ‘touched’ and relieved can be unsettling, even shocking. It is good to be moderate in activity after treatment, even rest. After treatment, stay mellow, no drugs, booze, vigorous activity, exercise, fasting, feasting or hard labor for the rest of the day.

How to use:
First apply a few Gua Sha oil to the skin surface. This oil is designed for the Gua Sha treatment it contains medicinal herbs with properties which will enhance the blood moving (circulating) or toxin eliminating function of Gua Sha treatment.
  Then take the Gua sha  tool( there Re many to choose from) ,and slowly and continuously making long strokes, robe downward from the neck down the posterior aspect of the back ( which is the most common area, but not the only area - other areas such as chest, arms and legs are also treated.)
   Initially a few red spots will be visible, and will guide you where to concentrate on.  Continue for approximately 5 to 10 minutes depending on the condition and severity. Some purple marks  could also appear. In young patients, on ly a pink glow will appear.
  Gua Sha is a safe, simple and effective traditional procedure. The marks (if any) will only be visible for a few days, before disappearing. An early feeling of relief and recovery is reported by adherents of Traditional Chinese Medicines.

- use medicinal oil on the body and limbs to facilitate scraping. However, it is not necessary to apps the oil to the head.
- Gua Sha strokes should be firm in pressure and even In speed. However,do not scrape with too much force to prevent injury to the skin.
-Each some should be about four to five inches long, repeated 10-30 times, or until the skin is slightly warm.
-Scrape in a downward motion, of outward from the centre of the body .
-Drink a glass of warm water after a Gua Sha session to help the body dispel toxins.


-Avoid using a back and forth movement.
-Avoid using coins or plastic tools as scrapers. They may hurt your skin.
- do not scrape on bony areas of the body, e.g.directly above the spine.
-Do not use the Gua Sha when there is a fan or air-conditioner blowing directly  at you; coverup the scraped area immediately with a towel to avoid catching a chill.
- If Sha appears, allow it to subsides (2 to 4 days) before you scare the same area again.

When not to use Gua Sha?
While scraping therapy can be used by most people avoid it if you have any of the following conditions:
- Recent fractures, surgical scars or wounds on the skin.
-Contagious s,in diseases
-Lumps of the body of unknown cause.

For those interested in trying out this ancient therapy method,the following diagram provide a guide Gua Sha Therapy

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mission starts now!

God show me in a form of vision of  when I was in Philippines through the Holy Spirit we can touch the lives of others.I saw there's a form of metallic color that flows to my hand when I touched an individual person. God wants to touch the heart of every person through one person connecting.I saw it in the advertisement in Globe.touching peoples lives. I saw in the vision people are marching with their hearts has a candle light but they are walking in the dark. People in this work are living in darkness but the spirit of God of created us put his Spirit in us but baca use of sin we live in this fallen world fl if darkness. How to let this people gets out of the dark?

I want to share my own experience! I have many questions why God brought me yo Singapore! I experience loneliness ,homesick and miss my family and friends in the Philippines. When I get saved by the blood of the lamb Jesus I follow Him and very intimate relationship. When I study the bible I can see my personality like Peter.

My journey in Singapore is not easy.  God refined my character whom I'm strong willed, proud, self sufficient,  looking high of my self. But the truth is without God I am nothing!

Now is the starting my journey!
In my next blog I will share to you guys what are my struggles to let people veg encourage and not giving up!
See u next!